After a long time the little boy finds his lost paper boat. He never owned it before, he always dreamt it. He always wanted to get that blue boat, which floats on his spirit but never gets wet; which takes him with it but never tells where they would go; which shines on the sea but never reflects on the water. He waited for the boat all these years – on the beach. It never touched the shore but he saw it every day, every season, every millennium; he touched it, felt it, smelt it, kissed it…he sailed it. He sailed it every moment - on his deep heart. He could see his reflection on the water but not his boat’s; he could touch the water but the boat would still be dry. He always wished for rain, so that they could get drenched together, but it never happened.
But today, he just saw his boat touching the shore where he sat for years; today he spoke with it…two talks – just for two seconds…and the boat went back to the waterless ocean. The boy still smells its odor on his hand…he could still kiss it when his lips touch each other.
My boat also has gone back to the sea, I never owned it either…just felt it for two seconds, had two talks…But I own those two seconds, those two words…which will float on my essence, forever. And you know what…it rains sometimes…